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 1. Pastor Ed Regensburg Faith Community Church  Unpacking The Future: Dark Days Are Coming!  http://faithcommunity.net 
 2. Pastor Ed Regensburg Faith Community Church  Unpacking The Future: What Difference Does It Make?  http://faithcommunity.net 
 3. Pastor Ed Regensburg Faith Community Church  Unpacking The Future: Ashamed or Confident?  Http://faithcommunity.net 
 4. Pastor Ed Regensburg Faith Community Church  Unpacking The Future: Signs of the Times  Http://faithcommunity.net 
 5. Bear McCreary  Something Dark Is Coming  Battlestar Galactica Season 2  
 6. CYRUS (RANDOM TRIO)  Dark Future  From The Shadow LP Sampler (Disc 3) 
 7. Michael Gordon Shapiro  A Dark Future  www.mikemusic.com 
 8. Kevin Alfred Strom  A White Future is Coming: an interview with Bob Whitaker  American Dissident Voices 
 9. Kevin Alfred Strom  A White Future is Coming: an interview with Bob Whitaker  American Dissident Voices 
 10. Rev, Diane Parrish  Coming Are the Days  Jeremiah 31:31-34 
 11. DJ Senator  Future Dark Technologies  DNBRADIO.COM 
 12. DJ Senator  Future Dark Technologies  DNBRADIO.COM 
 13. CAN  Future Days  Future Days  
 14. CAN  Future Days  Future Days  
 15. CAN  Future Days  Future Days  
 16. Caedere  Human Decay (Dark Future)  Gore to Banish Fear  
 17. Mardi Gras.bb  Dark Days  29moonglow 
 18. Chocolate Vanilla  Dark Days  Fehero Rocher I. 
 19. Stuart A. Staples  Dark Days  Lucky Dog Recordings 03-04 
 20. ANGEL, The  Dark Days  Dark Days 
 21. Army Navy  Dark As Days  Army Navy 
 22. Army Navy  Dark As Days  Army Navy 
 23. You Say Party! We Say Die!  Dark Days  NickyDigital.com   
 24. You Say Party! We Say Die!  Dark Days  XXXX   
 25. Wayne Jacobsen and Brad Cummings  Dealing with Dark Days  The God Journey 
 26. Wayne Jacobsen and Brad Cummings  Dealing with Dark Days  The God Journey 
 27. Andy Band Timmons  Beware Dark Days  Resolution 
 28. Andy Band Timmons  Beware Dark Days  Resolution 
 29. hungbunny  Podcast 115: Dark Days  hungbunny 
 30. Peter S. Quinn  There Are Days Like Night Dark   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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